Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun Family Night

Yesterday we jumped in the truck just to go run an errand and ended up having a great night. First of all, we have no t.v. service so the kids have been watching movies and they have watched every movie we have several times. So Skip decided that we should go to the Bargain Basement to find some cheap used movies for the kids. Now, I love the D.I. and can spend many hours there, but the Bargain Basement is amazing. Seriously, I wish my mom and sisters were here to dig through that place with me because there are some treasures in that place. Unlike the D.I., it is not very picked over. I found this old chest that I know wouldn't have lasted one minute in St. George. Unfortunately, I don't have room to buy up the place or I would have! Anyway, after we left there, we were driving down the road and the Peninsula Oilers baseball team mascot was out on the street advertising a game for the night. We thought it might be fun because we miss hanging out with Tyler and Charlene at the Road Runner games so Skip pulled up the info on his phone to see how much it cost and it was free admission for the night. We were really excited and decided we better hurry and get there cause it would probably be pretty busy. After a quick run through McDonalds drive thru, we made it to the field and to my surpise there weren't a million people there. Come to find out every night is free admission except Tuesday 2 for 1! We did have a fun time. Kennedy loved the mascot even though we can't figure out what the heck it is, Hailey got a broken bat, and the people watching here is always interesting! I am sad to say that I didn't have my camera so these pics are just lame!

Hailey with her bat.

Does anyone know what the heck this is? I think it is supposed to be some kind of bird but who knows!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Subsistence Fishing

So we got back from our camping trip yesterday and I finally have good enough internet to post some pics. The whole experience was just amazing and something that not very many people get to experience. Skip's dad was able to get all of the Salmon that they will need for the year.
I'm glad that we got the chance to be there.
Here are the nets that have just been pulled out of the water.
This time there were over 60 fish in the net.

I wanted the kids in a pic with the fish but had to threaten them to make sure they didn't touch anything. I guess it would be a fine for us and the people fishing which would not be good!
Everyone pulling the fish out of the nets.
Then they get washed in the ocean and stuck in the bins.

Then on to the tables for fileting.
This is Skips dad fileting the fish right there on the beach. This is the part Skip wished he really could have helped with because he has done this a million times in his life and is really good at it!
It was especially hard because it was J.J's first time and Skip couldn't even teach him.

Skip watching on the sidelines!Me watching on the sidelines trying to stay warm.
Don't you think I am starting to look like an eskimo? This is where all the left over fish guts, heads, and tails end up. I wish I would have taken a picture of it on the last day cause it was completely full and disgusting!

This was a fish tail that a French chef cooked over the fire for us.
It doesn't get any fresher than this!
It was delicious!
I just thought this was hillarious watching this guy try to fly this huge kite with a fishing pole! ONLY IN ALASKA!
This is Skip, and the other guy we were camping with, fishing at the Kasilof river for Salmon. This spot was about a ten minute walk from where we were camping.

Here are the kids watching with their safety glasses on. Aren't they cute!

Day at the Beach

It is so awsome here. I feel like I am in the highest mountain tops with all the beautiful greenery but the ocean is just 2 minutes away from us at all times. This day was about the nicest day since we have been here and so we decided to go beach combing. I would guess that it was somewhere around 70 degrees which is amazing, and even better, the wind wasn't blowing! There were people laying out in their bikinis which I thought was a little crazy but they don't know any better! Anyway, we had a fun time.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I was just looking at the newspaper up here and it has a story about the fishing that we are out here watching Skips dad do. I thought that I would just put the link on here in case anyone wanted to read it! Maybe it isn't all that interesting to you all but I have some way cool pics from this fishing experience to post once we are done camping. It has been hard because it is a lot of work once they pull all the fish in and we can't even touch anything to do with it because we are not residents.
So here's the link: http://peninsulaclarion.com/stories/061909/fis_352883025.shtml

Also, Skip is working at the dock as a longshoreman. Well, there was a boat that sunk back in January and his work has been helping the divers that are working on the recovery stuff load their boat. Kinda cool, and also in the paper, so here is the link to that story: http://www.peninsulaclarion.com/stories/061409/new_352411074.shtml

Monday, June 8, 2009

I just wanted to post a couple of fun videos I have taken in the last 2 weeks. It is so awsome here and we are having a great time. It's beautiful and even the weather has been great lately. Yesterday was a scorching 70 degrees which is almost a record high!

This mom bear was right next to our truck with her two baby bears. I think she got a little spooked!

She sent the babies running up the hill.

These baby moose were just a quarter mile away from where we are living. Notice the business in the background. It is crazy to just see the moose right in town.

Parker-6, Hailey-8, Thatcher-10

Parker-6, Hailey-8, Thatcher-10

